Thursday 10 December 2015

Saturday 5 December 2015

Hammersmith Broadway with the underground station on the right and elaborate railings at the entrance to public conveniences in the centre, in 1910

British tourists pose in front of the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt in fashionable clothing from the 1880s

Bathing machines shelter shy holidaymakers from prying eyes at St-Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, in 1895

Jeddah in 70's

The Enemy, 1944. With the outbreak of world war two, photojournalism was enlisted in defence of Mother Russia.

Tales of the Sea, 1976. Lithuanian photographer Vitaly Butyrin draws on a rich Soviet history with his often surreal photo-montages.

Perfume No8, 1958. This picture, the eighth in a series on perfume, shows Alexander Khlebnikov’s move into fashion and advertising photography in the 1950s.